Meal Information

Due to food allergies children are discouraged from bringing snacks from home unless it is for a birthday or special occasion. Parents need to bring a list of ingredients to the provider before serving. Healthy Snacks with little or no sugar are preferred!

Please make sure children have finished all snacks/meals before they come to the door. Children do not always understand why their friends have something and they do not.

Parents need to be aware of meal times, if a child arrives after a scheduled meal they need to eat before they arrive.

Nutrition and Wellness Policies

We at Ward’s Wonderyears are committed to your children’s health. Providing good nutrition for your child is a partnership. We serve healthy meals and snacks in our program and our staff models healthy eating behaviors throughout the day.

In alignment with the CACFP and 2010 dietary guidelines, we commit to:

  • Serving 1% or Skim milk for children over the age of 24 months. Vitamin D milk will be served for children 12-24 months.
  • Water will be available for children throughout the day.
  • Serve a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to include leafy greens.
  • Serve cereal with less than 6gr of sugar.
  • Serve dry beans or peas weekly.
  • More than half of all grains served will be whole grains.
  • No fried or pre-fried foods.
  • Limit servings of processed meats to four times a month.
  • Modeling after family style eating we use child size seating and utensils we support children to try new foods and serve as role models for healthy eating.

We also commit to participate in seasonal gardening activities and education.

Provide 60min of structured and unstructured physical activity daily such as; outdoor free play, dancing, yoga and ribbon play.

Continued professional development in the areas of nutrition and wellness such as; trainings and workshops.

Partnering with FCCP (family child care providers association), PBM Plus (preschool bridging model plus), CPIN (California preschool instructional network) and Preschools SHINE (shaping healthy impressions through nutrition and exercise) to support healthy educational experiences.

Partnering with families to encourage healthy lifestyle choices by modeling good nutrition and physical activity.

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